After we improved our forecast of the Northern Lights (now you can look exactly on the clock for the next three days!) There are even more questions from you.
You can see the forecast here
There are several points:

kp-index 2-3 - Northern Lights will be, but not strong ?
kp-index 4-5 - Northern Lights will shine brightly
But the main factor that determines whether you can see the Northern Lights or not is  ⬇


If the sky is heavily overcast, even a high kp-index will not help here. Cloudiness is a roulette game, but the good news is:

✅1. If you go hunting for the Northern Lights with guides, then as a rule, they will always find a place with low clouds to take cool pictures We organize such outings every evening on a comfortable bus, warm and with hot tea.

?You can book an excursion here

✅2. If you want to watch the Shining at Aurora Village Glamping, there is no 100% guarantee that you will see it during your stay. But according to statistics, every third night from September to April you can see shimmering lights in the sky above our glamping And most of the guests succeed!

?You can book an Igloo on the websitе

✅3.If you want to catch the Radiance yourself, remember to get away from the city lights!